Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, Gamie has put me to work. She makes me do all of the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and daily chores. She's tough. NOT! Gamie has waited on me hand and foot since I've been here. I've been laying in Grandpa's favorite leather chair. When I'm not in his chair, you can find me asleep or with my head in the freezer grabbing an ice cream bar. I actually went outside and played with Tylie yesterday. I wore gloves and a mask. There was no petting or loving physically, but we played fetch. She retrieved the ball again and again. I had a great time, but I was exhausted. Ask my Mom and she'll tell you I'm just a drama queen.

Since fast food and eating out are a no-no; we've been cooking at home. Gamie's home cooking, mmm, doesn't get much better than that.

Our house is still "under construction". It was a process of elimination to find the leak. With the big storm that hit Gilbert the water runs down a pipe off of the side of our house. The run-off happens to land in one spot. The water leaked through our stucco. They are re-stuccoing tomorrow. We were so blessed to have caught it early. That is the sole reason we are mold free. After the new pad and carpet is laid down I have to wait 72 hours until I can move back home.

My mom had a meeting with my school counsellor. The goal is that I would return to school caught up my junior year. I will be taking online classes for the remainder of my sophomore year. The school couldn't be more accommodating and understanding. Everyone has gone out of their way to help us. Thank you GHS. Go Tigers!

I'm only on 1/2 liter of fluids daily. My anti-rejection is still under control. Each day we are just more and more thankful to be home and doing so well. The doctors are so pleased with my progress. Praise the Lord for the healing process! I cannot say that enough.


  1. Ceci, I am ecstatic to hear about your progress! It sounds like your getting higher and higher on your Climb. I'm glad that you had somewhere close to home to stay while they make the other one safe for you to return. No matter where you go, you are loved and supported it seems. :) How exciting at the thought of you back at GHS! The sun will shine a little brighter there next year. You have that effect on people you know. Keep up the good know getting waited on and eating ice cream bars...haha.... Always thinking of you...Kindra

  2. Carolyn, It has been so exciting to read about your progress and the good results of all your tests. It is so wonderful that you have this opportunity to spend time with your Grandmother! It's a time you will never forget. We are continuing to pray for you and your family. God is good! Sue Somero

  3. You couldn't have a sweeter person waiting on you hand and foot, Ceci! Your Gammie is one of a kind! A big storm hit Arnett, too, but it was a snowstorm;) Glad to hear you're doing so well! Love ya, Jena Belle

  4. We love reading your positive posts. . . .You give us courage to go forward with faith and tackle the unknown. We are grateful the leak was caught early and that things are progressing along well with the construction. What a blessing that you have loved ones to wait on you hand and foot. You have no idea of your power and influence. My family are praying for you and they have not even met you. Glad you can eat the ice cream bars. Do we ever take lots of little JOYS for granted? Have a super weekend!

  5. Everytime I look at my "Ceci's Climb" bracelet I think a positive thought for you. I never take it off! I'm glad I found your site, now I can keep in touch. Joe Granio GJHS <3 ya

  6. Hey, Ceci. What's this about Mono???? I just hated to hear that. I hope you are doing as well as you can thru this---one more reason that it's a good thing that you are soooo tough!
    Keep climbing--we're behind you. Love, Kathy & Rexie

  7. Hey Cec! It has taken me this long to figure out how to leave a comment on this blog!! As the boys' in the boys' home used to tell me, my "blonde hair runs pretty deep!" We keep praying for you! I'm so glad all of your tests went well today. I heard someone singing "The Climb" on American Idol and thought of you. Maybe you should get on that show and sing it!! Love you Cec -- Aunt Suz
