Thursday, April 22, 2010

Turn on the Radio!

OH. MY. GOODNESS. Some much needed reprieve came this morning that I just couldn't wait to share. I'm at clinic waiting on results giddily typing away. As you can probably tell from my last blog I've had a rough week. I kept trying to plan something to make me happy or at least make me smile. I was clearly frustrated of this unpleasant state of mind, but nothing seemed to make me feel better.

Each day we drive to clinic we listen to 104.7 on the radio. The weekday DJ's are JohnJay, Rich, and Kyle. They make us laugh each morning talking about celebrity gossip, JohnJay's bike riding fetish, and more. I mentioned I had been working on the website for Ceci's Climb. It was suggested I get a twitter account for publicity. I had zero followers. Well, I decided I would tweet JohnJay because I had seen a guy bike riding in a wacky helmet and yellow safety vest in West Phoenix. He responded back and followed me. I was thrilled. I had a follower!! He made my night. I woke up this morning and turned 104.7 on to listen like usual. They were talking about silly things and right before commercial came JohnJay said he wanted to shout out "Ceci Christenson driving from Gilbert, AZ to Phoenix Children's. She is a listener and loves the show. Hang in there and good luck." How cool is that? Ryan had e-mailed him about me (what a good brother). I just thought I'd share my happiness with you this morning. It really is proof that what you do and say affects peoples lives in ways you would never expect. So, thanks JohnJay for giving me a reason to smile.

God works in mysterious ways!


  1. That is AWESOME. You're a celebrity! If I knew how to tweet, I'd follow you...but alas, I come from the age of the technologically challenged.
    Keep up the great posts when the spirit moves you...and when it doesn't, relax and don't worry... We'll wait.


  2. wow that is so cool!! I wish I was as famous as you!! You know what they say "good things happen to good people!" I love you

  3. Isn't it amazing how a person can be feeling so down and then, so unexpectedly, the joy just fills the soul? You have such wonderful brothers!!! And friends!!! And doctors!!! Oh, I forgot, most importantly, GOD and PARENTS!!!!! I know you never forget---we don't forget you either........we are so thankful you got a much needed reprieve! I agree with you that God does work in mysterious ways. Oh, how we praise HIM!!!! Much love, Kathy & Rexie

  4. Wow! That is amazing! Sam and I listen to them on our way to school :) That's so awesome Carolyn! Ceci's CLimb truly is moving up in the world. You're awesome :) Love you lots, and congrats on the fantastic surprise!
